Students explore EMS career options

Pinellas County high school students got a glimpse into the role of an EMTs and paramedics on July 8. Sunstar Paramedics’ education and training officer Josh Hoover, EMT Jason Mezler, and EMT training officer Mandeville Powell explained their job duties and showed the inside of an ambulance to the students, and answered the students’ questions about their jobs.

The students also saw the paramedic and EMTs in action. An employee’s son disguised himself as a civilian, and pretended to stumble into the presentation and experience cardiac arrest. The paramedics and EMTs sprang into action to treat the “patient.”

This demonstration showed the students how quickly an emergency transpires, and how first responders use their knowledge and training to save lives.

Sunstar Paramedics’ presentation was part of St. Petersburg College’s Summer of Success, a six-week program to prepare high school students for college. The coursework includes touring local businesses to explore career options.


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