“Strike Teams” for COVID-19 response

Sunstar Paramedics and St. Petersburg Fire Rescue have created COVID-19 “strike teams” to handle all potential COVID-19 calls within the City of St. Petersburg through April. Sunstar Paramedics is providing three strike teams.

The strike teams will respond to calls wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) that includes booties, suits, gloves, masks and respirators to keep themselves and patients safe. The inside of the ambulance has also been covered in plastic to make it easier to decontaminate after transporting a patient who potentially has COVID-19.

Dispatchers at the communications center will try to determine if 9-1-1 callers may fit the profile to be a possible COVID-19 case. They’ll ask questions about common symptoms of COVID-19, like fever and respiratory issues, to determine if the strike team should respond.

The COVID-19 strike teams are being used to limit the chance of cross-contamination.

Read more about Sunstar Paramedics’ COVID-19 strike teams in the Tampa Bay Times, or watch the coverage on WFLA NewsChannel 8 and ABC Action News.

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